Community Presbyterian Church of DuPont
Community Presbyterian Church of DuPont

We Love to Care
We Love to Care
From Missions, to the Tillicum Community Food Bank, to Africa setting up schools, to local non-profit ministries -- we love to help.
From Missions, to the Tillicum Community Food Bank, to Africa setting up schools, to local non-profit ministries -- we love to help.

Missionary in Scotland, with
Friends International
Missionary in Scotland, with
Friends International
Bethany is serving as a missionary to university students in Aberdeen, Scotland. She is a member of our church, served as a deacon, pianist, and teaching children's messages.

Bethany (right) with two of her staff colleagues (Sarah and Mary) who work alongside her to teach English as a second language, host events and befriend students with the hope of introducing them to Christ. Otherwise known as "friendship evangelism."

Young Life is a Christian outreach program to non-believing kids to introduce them to Christ.. We support our local area Lakewood / Steilacoom Young Life staff who reach out to high school and middle school teens, pregnant or single moms, the disabled, to name a few. Besides local "clubs" they host bible studies where kids can get familiar with the Lord through scripture, prayer and sharing. They put on high quality camps around the world to introduce kids to Christ. It's the largest Christian teenage outreach program in the world.
Here are the paid staff of our local Young Life area who spend hours serving kids and training volunteer leaders.

Director, DCI - Uganda
Director, DCI - Uganda
DCI (Development Companions International) is a ministry that is currently focused on helping the illiterate in Uganda. Their motto is: "Equipping disadvantaged people with skills through health and adult literacy to pursue a wholistic life" This includes literacy programs, teaching entrepreneurship, classes in agriculture, health and Christian education.
Jonathan has presented the ministry at our church a couple of times, and our own Jack Bemenderfer is on the board. A truly worthwhile organization. We offer DCI modest support and hope we can increase it in the future.

Tillicum Community Center Food Bank
Tillicum Community Center Food Bank
We collect food to donate on a weekly basis in boxes near the entrance of our church. We also supply gloves, hats during the winter months and take special donations to meet other needs for the center.

Other Outreach Projects
Other Outreach Projects
We also participate in supporting a variety of other endeavors, such as Samaritan's Purse, the Tacoma Rescue Mission, Salvation Army, Gideons International, and others.